copy of a dream / copy of a dream
by Jon Conley


I guess I am a knife from somewhere
The three of them were going in but left
me out They had something to show me
everyone knew They circled the
someone I was
They came into the bathroom we
came out of the stall Bats were they
anything but I do not recall Behind us now
howling calling hitting walls with what
might have been
gone Into the school we went
into a bathroom into a stall
they were not far They knew
we had a school to avoid
them We walked down
hallways I could hear We went
into what might have been Boys
who caused trouble who were
trouble for other people that is
who they were in the small town
these men boys We were men
boys But maybe I knew of them
they were men
Small crowds and gravel roads I was
going on but I do not remember an
intersectIon of three streets somewhere an
event an intersection where things got lost or
went wrong it might have been
There was a small town I was not
from there it was always dark
Following I did not know Traveling
somewhere there were three other
someones Someone who I trusted a
friend or a new friend we were

december 10th, 2020

Jon Conley is a writer and musician from Cleveland. He is prose editor for Flypaper Lit and a poetry candidate in the NEOMFA at Cleveland State University. Find him online at and on Instagram @beachstav.